Small Business Ideas With Minimal Investment

How do you choose the perfect business from where to start business
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Where do we start business? Good news: 90% of the decisions you're looking for already exist! Someone's been looking for them before you, which means you can either go all the way to find a solution on your own or gather information on the decision. Copy other people's ideas, use them, use them. Anything that can make your business worthwhile. As the legendary inventor Thomas Edison said, "If you want to come up with great ideas, you know, the best of them you can borrow." The Internet is an invaluable source of information.

Determine the criteria for which you will be most interesting: personal predisposition, start-up capital, quick pay, low competition and other. It's important not to try to run every option right through the set of criteria, so no one can get to the final. I'd advise you to choose one or two (mandatory personal interest and pre-communication of business is not worth opening the meat business if you're a vegetarian) - you'll still have time to sew the doubtful directions.

In the meantime, the National Federation of Independent Business of the United States conducted a survey on where entrepreneurs who decided to start business were drawing ideas for him. The results were:
Previous workplace - 42 per cent
Personal interest - 18 per cent
Case - 10%
Suggested 8 per cent
Friends or relatives - 6%
Family enterprise 6 per cent
Education - 6 per cent
Other factors - 6%
(source: N. Syropolis, Small Business Management)

But we'll go back to the selection of options. Now that you have an impressive list of interesting options on your hands, it is time to start gathering more specific information on each of them. And the Internet is no longer so comfortable. However, the necessary information is still available. This time it will be necessary to look for specific characteristics such as: the cost-effectiveness of each of the selected types of business, the average time of return, the minimum initial investment, the outlook for industry, the main competitors (in your city). Favorites are already in the process of collecting this material.

When you have only one or two possible directions in your hands to start a business, go to the final stage of the preliminary information collection.

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